Stölting Wappen

Welcome to the Stoeltings in the WWW











My name is Stefanie Janine Stoelting and I would like to use this site to to collect more information about the different branches of the Stoeltings.

First aubaut the origin of our surnames, there are two possibilities. It can come from that central german stoltink, which means (proudly) hero. The second possibility is, which it was derived from the name of the father Stolte(e), here still the ending -ing was added. Stolt again comes also from the central down german and means stately, substantially beautifully, or proudly, arrogantly.
The old way of writing of our name, Stoltink, is still common in the Netherlands. The American immigration authority replaced the ö in the name of some of the German immigrants with an o. The name of other Stöltings where changed to Stalting. Some of the Stalting family members then changed the writing to Stalding. In Denmark exists the name Stølting, the German ö was replaced by the Danish ø.

This webpage serves no commercial interests, but is to give the possibility to all Stoeltings of being able to step into contact with one another. What this page will become in future, I cannot say yet, because it depends also on the other Stoeltings and their ideas. Therfore I would like to request all other Stoeltings to send me their ideas. On the News page you can find all changes and extensions of these pages.


Last change: 2005/12/25


 © 2004 by Stefanie Janine Stölting •

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